Find out about Miss Merryweather’s Class
Learning Highlights from Autumn 1
Wolves in the Wall
At KS2, we started the year with a DT Topic, focusing on The Wolves in the Wall. The children enjoyed using their sewing skills to make a replacement pig puppet for Lucy.

The Stone Age
This half term we have been learning all about The Stone Age. In English, we enjoyed reading The Stone Age Boy and have explored how things have changed over time. Year 4 have loved getting creative with their writing as they had a go at writing their own version of the story, a character description, fact files and so much more!
Within this History topic, we have had a lot of fun creating cave paintings, designing Stone Age tools and creating Stone Age artwork.

In maths, we have been exploring numbers and looking at recognising the place value of each digit in a 4-digit number (1000, 100s, 10s, 1s), finding 1, 10, 100 and 1000 more or less than a number and comparing and ordering numbers. We have also lear
Magnet fun! The children loved learning about how magnets can attract or repel different objects. They learned about the different poles and predicted which objects would be magnetic or non-magnetic. We also learned about contact and non-contact forces.
New Learning in Autumn 2

This half term we are having a Science focus, with our new book, ‘The Street Beneath My Feet’. It takes will take us on a journey to explore what is under our feet. The book looks at naming different types of rocks, the fossilisation processes and identifying how soil is formed.
For English, we will be looking at various types of writing such as diary entries, fact files, explanation text and many more! We hope to show you our explanation texts of what’s beneath your feet!
This half term, we will begin to tackle the unit of Addition and Subtraction. The children will learn methods and strategies for how to add and subtract, up to two four-digit numbers with exchanges. Following this, the children will begin to learn about measurement. More specifically, identifying what area is and how to calculate it.
In Geography this half term, we will be recapping our knowledge about compass points from Year 3. We will learn how to read an ordnance survey map, how to give grid references to locate symbols and we will use our drawing skills to sketch maps of our local area.
Art and DT
In Art and DT, we will be creating some wonderful pieces based on key events, such as Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day. These will involve using different resources such as chalk, oil pastels, paint, and charcoal.
As we look closer to Christmas, the children will be designing their own cards, decorations and making their own Christmas puppets!

Key Information for Parents
- PE days are Monday and Thursday. Please ensure all children wear their school PE kit, their hair is tied up and all jewellery is removed.
- Reading: Children are expected to read at home every night. Please ensure that you sign your child’s reading record once they have read. We place huge importance on learning to read. As your children learn to read, you can play an important role in helping to keep them interested in books. You can read with your child too! Learning to read is also about listening and understanding as well as working out what’s printed on the page. Through hearing stories, children are exposed to a wide range of words. This helps them build their own vocabulary and improve their understanding when they listen, which is vital for their reading development.
- Sound Check: Multiplication Tables Check – Mathsframe. The multiplication check is a government test that will take place at the end of Year 4. To give your child the best chance of success, please complete this at home once a week. This activity mirrors the ‘Multiplication Tables Check’. They are tested on their multiplication tables. There are twenty-five questions and children have six seconds to answer each question and three seconds between questions. The questions are generated randomly using the same rules as the ‘Multiplication Tables Check’.
- Spellings- New spellings are handed out on a Monday and need to be returned completed by Friday. Every Friday, children will be tested on the spellings from that week but will also recap spellings from previous weeks.
- Online learning opportunities: