Wrap around care

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club is completely FREE! It is located on the KS1 and KS2 hall. Breakfast club starts at 7:45am and children are given toast and/or cereal and juice for their breakfast. The staff members then escort the children to their school for the start of the day.


*Please click here for more information about what Breakfast Club has to offer!*


Please complete the online form that is emailed out every Monday, to book your child’s place.

Our Breakfast Club Policies can be viewed here:

Breakfast Club and Rainbow Club Policy

Behaviour Policy

Member staff and parent agreement

After School Club (Rainbow Club)

Our After School Club is called Rainbow Club, previously known as ABFAB. After School Club runs from 3.10pm until 5:30pm. There are lots of different activities for your child to do whilst they are there. These include: construction, jigsaws, lego, television, games and many more!

A small snack is also provided for your child, where we have things such as crackers, crumpets, pancakes etc. There are different prices depending on what time you collect your child. Session times are as follows:

End of school – 4:00pm = £3
End of school – 5:00pm = £5
End of school – 5:30pm = £6

If you would be interested in booking your child into Breakfast/ Rainbow Club or if you want to view what we have to offer, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Hedley on lhedley@alverton.n-yorks.sch.uk, or our school office on 01609 773524.

Alternatively, please complete the online form that is emailed out every Monday, to book your child’s place.


*Please click here for more information about what After School Club has to offer!*


Our Rainbow Club Policies can be viewed here:

Breakfast Club and Rainbow Club Policy

Rainbow Club Payment Policy

Behaviour Policy

Member staff and parent agreement