Welcome to the Governors’ Section
At Alverton Community Primary, the Governing Body is made up of 13 governors including the Headteacher. Some are elected by parents, some are appointed by the Local Education Authority and some are co-opted by the Governing Body because of their interests, skill or experience.
The Governors work in partnership with the Head and the staff of the school. As well as providing advice and acting as a link between the school and the local community, their main responsibilities are:
- establishing the aims and policies of the school
- to agree and allocate the school’s budget
- to agree the school’s curriculum policy including the provision of religious education, special needs and sex education
- the appointment of staff
- the school’s organisation and discipline policy
Name |
Type |
Term of office |
Attendance 2023/24 |
Declared interests |
Responsibilities |
Committees |
Governance roles at other schools |
Jean Stewart |
Co-opted |
10/10/23 – 31/08/25 |
9/9 |
None |
Chair of Governors/Safeguarding/Pupil Premium/English/Finance |
HTPM Appeals Pupil Discipline |
N/A |
Geoff Bush |
Co-opted |
01/06/20 – 11/02/28 |
5/9 |
None |
Vice-chair of Governors/Health & Safety/Finance |
HTPM Complaints Pupil Discipline |
N/A |
Lee Matravers |
Headteacher |
01/04/23 – |
8/9 |
None |
N/A |
Sarah Eddowes |
Staff |
01/03/20 – 28/02/25 |
9/9 |
None |
N/A |
Sue Porteus |
Co-opted |
01/03/20 – 28/02/28 |
9/9 |
None |
English/Wider Curriculum |
Appeals |
N/A |
Ruth Hawkes |
Parent |
Left on 04/12/24 |
8/9 |
Provided paid for services to school |
Complaints |
N/A |
Beverley Peat |
Co-opted |
01/09/22 – 31/08/26 |
7/9 |
None |
Safeguarding/Pupil Premium/SEND |
N/A |
Izzy Wilkinson |
Co-opted |
Left on 16/07/24 |
6/9 |
None |
N/A |
Michael Rolfe |
Parent |
28/02/22 – 14/03/26 |
9/9 |
None |
Data Protection |
N/A |
Mary Foster |
Co-opted |
01/03/20 – 28/02/28 |
7/9 |
Member of staff |
PE/Attendance/Maths |
Appeals |
N/A |
Sharon Parker |
Parent |
28/02/22 – 14/03/26 |
6/9 |
None |
EAL/Equality & Diversity |
N/A |
Danny Fawcett |
Associate |
01/09/21 – 31/08/25 |
7/9 |
None |
Finance |
N/A |
Amanda Lambert |
Clerk |
N/A |
Employed as clerk by school |
N?A |
There will now be ten full Governing Body meetings each year, usually one each month and the majority of business will be conducted at these meetings. Panels of Governors will deal with duties such as the performance management of the Head Teacher. All meetings are minuted by the Clerk to Governors, Mrs Mandy Lambert.
In addition governors may take on monitoring roles in school, for example, Special Educational Needs, Safeguarding or an aspect of the School Improvement Plan. Governors attend training sessions to keep up to date with changes in schools and education. They visit school regularly to meet with the Head Teacher, members of staff and pupils. Experience in education, finance, personnel, management and health are valuable to the Governing Body, however, the key attributes that Governors need are time, enthusiasm and an interest in education.
If you wish to read any Governing Body minutes then they are available through the school office. If you would like to take copies to read, then photocopying charges will be made in line with our Charging and Remissions policy.
Governor Information 2022 (1) update (1)
Click here to view Governor Information and Duties20/21
Click here to view Governor Information and Duties19/20
Click here to view our Governors’ Register of Interests
Click here to view The Annual Governance Statement
Click here to view Role of Chair of Governors
Click here to view Role of Vice Chair of Governors
Click here to view Role of Governor